
Profitmaster’s financial solutions enable you to quickly and automatically generate the financial information that you need to run your company. Allowing you to keep your finger on the "business pulse" of your organisation.

Sales ledger and Purchase ledger not only provide the expected ledger postings and audit trail functionality but are geared to assist with credit management. For example, S/L includes a complete Credit Control section.

Together with Nominal Ledger and Cashbook, the ledger modules constitute powerful tools for efficient control of your company’s cash flows and liquidity.

One of the principal and fundamental advantages of integrated business systems is that data is only entered on one single occasion, and that is done at the "source". Avoiding duplicated data entries means reduced risks, time and costs.

Profitmaster operates on a real-time basis, meaning that everything is automatically updated as soon as it is keyed in. There are no Update programs to forget to run. You can be sure that the information you are looking at is bang up-to-date.

Data Sheets

If you require any additional information regarding Profitmaster or the solutions we offer for the wholesale and distribution industry please contact us.